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The Pyppium fetcher is a module to search elements by the platform. It contains some behaviours like check the consistency of the queries, waits, timeout to search some element.

Basic fetcher usage

To find one element to the android and ios platform, inside of your screen.

class MyScreen:

 _button = fetch(iOS("xpath", "//XCUIElementTypeWindow[1]/XCUIElementTypeOther[1]"), Android("id", "my_button"))

This sample above its a simple association of _button to the fetch class. The class Android and iOS only will check if you using a valid locator, before running the tests.

If you don't want to use string as the locator you can use the By class from the selenium, just import it.

class MyScreen:

 _button = fetch(iOS(By.XPATH,"//XCUIElementTypeWindow[1]/XCUIElementTypeButton"), Android(By.ID, "my_button"))

To fetch a list of elements you can use fetches from fetcher module.

class MyScreen:

 _my_labels_list = fetches(iOS(By.XPATH,"//XCUIElementTypeStaticText"), Android(By.ID, "my_text_view"))


Always try to use ids instead of XPath because ids make your tests more consistent and fast.

The order of parameters matters, the first parameter is iOS class and second is Android class.

But if you don't want to send Android parameter, don't have any problem since you don't run tests with an android capability.

class MyScreen:

 _my_labels_list = fetches(iOS(By.XPATH,"//XCUIElementTypeStaticText"))

You can run only for android with named parameter.

class MyScreen:

 _my_labels_list = fetches(android=Android(By.ID, "my_text_view"))


Every fetch has a timeout and the default timeout is 15 seconds. You can override the fetch timeout like this sample below.

class MyScreen:

 _button = fetch(iOS("xpath", "//XCUIElementTypeOther[1]"), Android("id", "my_button"), timeout=20)


The fetcher has a default wait to every fetch. To the fetch class the default wait is wait_visibility_of_element and for the fetches class the default is wit_visibility_of_elements.

You can override the wait function sending the constant with the value of wait from conditions module.

class MyScreen:

 _button = fetch(iOS("xpath", "//XCUIElementTypeOther[1]"), Android("id", "my_button"), wait_condition=PRESENCE)

Have some possibilities of wait in the condition module below have the condition and a little description.

  • condition.VISIBILITY: Wait for an element to be visible.
  • condition.PRESENCE: Wait for the presence of the element.
  • condition.VISIBILITIES: Wait for the visibility of some elements.
  • condition.VISIBILITY_OF_ANYS: Wait for visibility of any elements.