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Pyppium has a pretty easy interface with BrowserStack rest API, you can upload, delete, get an apps list or update a test status.

Below has all BrowserStackApi class requests explained, it's easy like Sunday morning! 😎

Browserstack Interface Class

Browserstack interface is a simple class with some BrowserStack rest requests.

You can use with your credentials in the init() like the sample below.

BrowserStackApi("my-user", "my-keys")

Or you can connect with your environment variables.



Remember to use $source command to refresh your terminal session. 😄

After exporting your environments variables, you don't need to send parameters with your BrowserStack credentials anymore.

The BrowserStackApi class retrieves the user and keys parameters from your local environment.

Now you can use BrowserStackApi class without sending any parameters, like the sample below. 😍


BrowserStackApi Requests

Below has some examples of BrowserStackApi class requests.

Getting Recent Apps

To get all recently uploaded apps:


Getting Recent Apps By Custom Id

To get all recently uploaded apps with specific custom id:


Deleting an app by app-id

You can delete an app from BrowserStack by app_id:


Uploading an app to BrowserStack

You can upload your .ipa or .apk to BrowserStack:


If you want to set a custom id to your app upload:

BrowserStackApi().upload_app("path/to/my/app", "custom_id")

Updating test status

To update the test status in the Browserstack dashboard:

    reason="No reason, its just a test!",

Manipulating Responses

Its easy to manipulate responses from BrowserStackApi class.

Below has some examples of getting body content and status code.

Getting Body Response

To get a response content as a dict its easy, just call json():

body = BrowserStackApi().recent_uploads().json()

print(json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=4))

# console output:
#  [
#      {
#          "app_name": "my-app.ipa",
#          "app_version": "4.23.0",
#          "app_url": "bs://355e6259172efcdd09c49bae90d7f464e8ca2036",
#          "app_id": "355e6259172efcdd09c49bae90d7f464e8ca2036",
#          "uploaded_at": "2020-09-03 21:42:33 UTC"
#      },
#      {
#          "app_name": "app-debug.apk",
#          "app_version": "4.22.1.DEBUG",
#          "app_url": "bs://0fb5cfaa3250f666365ab4e812de002bd1ef69ee",
#          "app_id": "0fb5cfaa3250f666365ab4e812de002bd1ef69ee",
#          "uploaded_at": "2020-09-03 21:07:29 UTC"
#      }
#   ]

Getting Status Code Response

You can get a status code as an int from response:

status = BrowserStackApi().recent_uploads().status_code

print(f"Request status code : {status}")

# console output: Request status code : 200


To understand more about httpx Response object you can read the HTTPX Official Documentation.